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43 jammers from 0 country have submitted 21 games amassing 178 badges.

2024 themes

main theme: Imitation
Kaihnn (Klakmioch refuse de me suivre la dessus)2024
Twin Castles Games2024
<Unknown Team>2024
Les Thierries2024
<Unknown Team>2024
Jé, Aurélie et Etienne2024
Knitting Kraken2024
Team Parrot2024
Les deux gobelins du fond de la classe2024
Les bénévoles mignounes2024
<Unknown Team>2024
<Unknown Team>2024
The Soup Commitee2024
<Unknown Team>2024
Stomp & Sprout2024
Very Kool Games2024
<Unknown Team>2024
Team KwaKwa2024
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